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Knee Pain

Knee pain covers a wide range of problems including 

- Damage within the joint (cartilage, arthritis, inflammation)

- Muscular problems (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves even glutes)

- Over or under training

Joint Damage or Muscular Problems

These two go hand in hand really. 

Joint damage causes inflammation which causes the muscles to go into a protective mode. That means they get tight and inevitably pull the space in the joint closer together.

Muscular problems bring on the same problem. Closing the space in the joint meaning more chance of inflammation.

Our job is to restore function.

Give you the skills to maintain good function

Give you the confidence to train and make your knees as strong as they can be.

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Overtraining - this is very common. Once we get into the habit training can easily become something we feel we need to do daily. Training the right way, frequency and intensity to suit your needs is something we strive to help you do.


Under training - When we experience pain (especially in the knees) we automatically stop doing the exercises that we think are causing the pain (squats, lunges, plyometrics). We do this to stay away from pain. However continuing with these exercises while putting in exercises to help reduce the pain is the best way out of pain. This is where we come in.


Rest and medicate is never the answer.

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